Friday, October 15, 2010

The Lucky Seven...

I am ready to recap on my Time in the Bread Line. My calculations of 9 months are still pretty accurate. I will be short of funds coming December and I am still short a job.

I have to be honest; I was focusing on school for the summer so the job hunt was not a huge priority on my list until 2 months ago. I do kick myself a bit for this, but I also was able to kick start my 10 year hiatus from school off with a strong bang. BA here I come!

Now down to the nitty gritty.

Search Status -
The answer is simple. I am spending almost every waking hour on Linkden, Monster,, and various other job boards. I research company careers sites and also do cold call type resume drop offs. I am eager and excited to get back to work but after over 70 resumes sent I have only had a handful of interviews.

The issues -
The market. I am not the only person I know who is unemployed. Statistics say there are four unemployed Americans for each one position available. Those are not the best odds.
I also do not have a BA. When there are highly qualified competitors with the same background and experience as me but they have the degree, which can be a very strong tipping point to who will get the position.
My final issue is my employment history is strong, but my industry background is scattered a bit. I have many years of experience in the hospitality industry but there are many facets of that industry. In addition I worked the last 5 years working in a corporate office type setting wearing many hats in a Footwear Production R&D team. Most people look industry experience and less on my skill sets during the initial resume review.

From here on out I am now going to focus more on my daily routine of finding a job. I will post sites I go to and articles I may find showcasing new statistics and findings about how the market is doing and where the jobs are.

We are all in the same line but I will get out of it if it means working 80+ hours at low wage jobs. I am also looking at moving to other cities with stronger markets and my blog will mark each road I travel down until I get that job.

So this is day 266 – Get ready for Monday – 269 (I will send resumes this weekend but no one ever responds on weekends so there is not much action to trek.

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